Songs About UFOs at Idolwild Gallery

The group show I curated, Songs About UFOs, is now on view at Idolwild Gallery in Los Angeles. 

The following is taken from the press release for the exhibit.

For Immediate Release
Songs About UFOs: Group Exhibition
Exhibition Dates: June 10- July 15, 2023
Opening Reception: June 10, 4-7 pm
IDOLWILD, 338 S. Avenue 16, studio A4, Los Angeles, CA 90031
For additional info: Micke Tong or 415-424-6538

Songs about UFOs, curated by Michael Coughlan, is a summer exhibition loosely based on themes of UFO’s, sci-fi landscapes, paranormal activity, psychic capability, alternative music, and wanderlust. The group exhibit will feature works by Amy Russell, Dave Muller, Tyler Vlahovich, Amy Sarkisian, Jimmy Raskin, Adam Ross, Margo Victor, Michael Coughlan and Kent Young. The opening reception takes place on June 10, 2023 from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm at gallery IDOLWILD and will be on view through July 15, 2023.

Coughlan explains, “The idea for this exhibit grew out of a conversation I had with artist Jimmy Raskin regarding UFOs and how they occupy a place of displaced spirituality for many who have stories of encountering them, and skeptical intrigue for the culture at large. Using that as a jumping off point, the artists in this exhibit represent my own discursive meanderings, associations, and creative misapprehensions in regard to UFOs, spirituality, and parallels between them and contemporary art practice.”

The title, “Songs About UFOs,” is Michael Coughlan’s misremembered title of a song by the band Husker Du, whose name ironically means “Do you remember?” in Norwegian.

IDOLWILD is a unique artist-run gallery space dedicated to Contemporary Art and Design in the heart of Los Angeles’ Lincoln Heights district. Founded by artist and visual designer H. Micke Nelson Tong, this creative platform nestled in the Keystone Art Space building presents solo and group exhibitions, installations, and public performance.
The gallery is located at 338 S. Avenue 16, studio A4, Los Angeles, California, 90031.  Gallery hours are Thursday through Saturday 1:00pm to 4:00pm and by appointment. For more information please contact Micke Tong at 415-424-6538 or